
Welcome to the

City of Nicholasville!

Where we share the good life.

Wastewater System

Wastewater System

The Nicholasville Water Treatment Plant was originally constructed as a .75 MGD facility in 1954. The original plant consisted of a river intake pumping station, chemical mix facilities, flocculation/settling basin, filtration, finished water storage and pumping.

In 1967, the plant was expanded to 1.5 MGD with the addition of a second intake pumping station and raw water main along with an additional flocculation/settling basin, two additional filters, and a second finished water storage tank.

In 1975 the plant underwent a “high rate” expansion, which increased treatment capacity to 3.6 MGD. This project included intake pumping improvements, the addition of “tube settlers” to existing settling basins, high-rate expansion of existing filters with the addition of dual (anthracite and sand) media, and construction of a third finished water storage tank.

Wastewater System - Nicholasville KY
Water Treatment Plant

Continued growth of Nicholasville and Jessamine County has resulted in the most recent 1990-1992 expansion of the plant to its current capacity of 6.0 MGD. The recent expansion also addressed concerns about the adequacy of the existing intake pumping stations during low river pool levels, which were experienced during the 1988 drought. The plant expansion included a new river intake pumping station (with deeper intakes), a new 24-inch raw water transmission main, new chemical feed facilities and chemical mix basin, additional flocculation basins, additional settling basins, two additional filters, a new treated water storage tank, new high service and backwash pumping station, new sludge lagoons, and an upgrade of the computer plant instrumentation system for the monitoring and control of treatment plant operations.

In 1993, at the annual convention of the Kentucky/Tennessee chapter of the American Water Works Association, the Nicholasville Water Treatment Plant was presented the “Award for Excellence in Operations” for treatment plants in the capacity range of 5-10 million gallons per day. This award was given, in part, in recognition of the superior quality water produced at the Nicholasville Water Treatment Plant.


The 2020 expansion of the water treatment plant is now underway and expected to be finished in October of 2023. Expanding the plant will allow the City to go from being able to treat 4.1 million gallons of water a day to 7.1 million gallons a day, an increase of 73%.

Wastewater Collection

Have an emergency? An after-hours phone is always manned, so residents may call anytime they have a need for utility related services. Call us at 859-885-7305

Contact Details
Travis Ward
Utilities Business Manager
517 N. Main Street
Nicholasville, KY 40356
[email protected]
Danica McCoy
Utility Customer Service
601 N. Main Street
Nicholasville, KY 40356
[email protected]
Water Services
City of Nicholasville Water
601 N. Main Street Nicholasville, KY 40356
Emergency Line 859.885.7305 (After 4 p.m.)
Water Services
Jessamine Water District # 1
2225 Lexington Road Nicholasville, KY 40356
Water Services
Jessamine South Elkorn Water
802 S. Main Street Nicholasville, KY 40356

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