WELCOME TO NICHOLASVILLE.    The Brush Pile is temporarily closed for cleanup.            

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City of Nicholasville!

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Nicholasville Utilities Launches Outage Reporting System & Map

Utility truck with lineman.
Just in time for the inclement weather, Nicholasville Utilities has launched a new outage map and reporting system. Now electric and water customers can call or text 833-805-9473 to report an outage and begin receiving updates from the municipal utility. To view the electric outage map, visit and click the link in the banner.
Nicholasville Utilities’ electric department purchases wholesale power from Kentucky Utilities and distributes it to approximately 6,800 customers through the utility’s transmission and distribution system. The water system consists of an intake pumping facility, a water treatment plant, a high service pumping facility, and transmission and distribution system. The treatment plant serves approximately 14,500 retail customers and two wholesale customers, with a capacity of 7 million gallons per day (MGD).
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517 N. Main Street
Nicholasville, KY 40356

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