Fire Fleet Grows by 107ft
In a stride toward expanding emergency response capabilities, the Nicholasville Fire Department recently welcomed a new, state-of-the-art fire truck to its fleet.
This new addition boasts a 107ft ladder and upgraded equipment such as a 1,500 gallons-per-minute water pump and a 500-gallon water tank. This model, the Pierce Ascendant® Heavy-Duty Aerial Ladder Truck, is known for providing firefighters with an unprecedented reach without compromising on water capacity, performance, or safety.
The truck’s arrival has not only been much anticipated, it’s also been long-awaited.
“Right now, it takes 24-30 months from the time you order it to receive a truck. With the parts and shipping delays, you really have to think ahead about what you’ll need,” said Chief Cox. “Many thanks to our city leaders for the go ahead and the support.”
The new truck will be housed at Fire Station #3 on Elizabeth Street. It will take the place of a 21-year-old, 95ft ladder truck, which will be kept as a reserve truck.
The new truck will not only be a useful tool, but a symbol of the City’s commitment to the safety and well-being of our community for years to come.